Sunday, January 4, 2015

Herringbone / Chevron Wall ...a busy Sunday

To give you just a teaser of what will be to come, here is the play by play of my most recent paint undertaking.  We have been in the process of remodeling a bedroom for my daughter.  She is 12 years old, so of course she did not want a "little kid" room, and wanted something more mature.  I wanted something that would be able to grow with her, and I think we came up with something that will last a few years. 

I knew that we wanted a chevron or herringbone type pattern.  So after many hours of Pinterest, I decided on a herringbone pattern.  My hubby helped me on this one, since he's the engineer. We had to take measurements galore - we discovered that our house is like the leaning tower of piza, very crooked.  Our house was built in 1947 so I'm just happy that it's still very sound and sturdy, even if it is a little crooked.  I made a judgement call and decided to take the floor/wall seam as my base.

Here is the room - BEFORE:
Very plain and blah. 

So like I said I used the floor/wall as my base.  I measured, then put a line directly in the middle.  Then from there, I divided each half into another half, thus splitting the wall into quarters.  I then placed marks every 5 inches on my tape.  Then came the angle lines...boy, this was a little more difficult than anticipated.  Since there is an angled ceiling, we had to "freehand" our lines, but since we are so good at math, we discovered that our paint tape must be 4" apart of each other at all points in the angle.  (We used 1" wide paint tape.)  

This is what the finished taping looked like:

This took the majority of the time....tape, tape, tape and MORE tape.  

But now the hard part was over, now it was just time to paint! I used a small 4" wide paint roller, which was almost a little bit too big, but it was what I had to work with. I used a brush on the tight corners since the roller would not fit.  

In order to make it a herringbone instead of a chevron I needed to alternate the colors in each quarter. 

I applied two coats of paint of each color.  
These colors are Sherwin-Williams - Synergy and Morning Fog.  I am an avid Sherwin-Williams fan and will swear by their paint anyday! Even though it is a little pricier - you get what you pay for - it covers very well, and is quite durable. 

And now for the finished product after the tape was pulled!!

I think that it turned out wonderfully! Better than expected!  I am always leery about paint lines, but this paint tape was up to the task!  I used Frog Tape brand tape and that is all I use.  This wall has a light skip trowel texture to it, so I made sure to press the tape down hard to ensure full contact.  We only had a few small mishaps and I cleaned those up with a small brush.  

Hope that you enjoyed this adventure as much as I did.  This was completed in one Sunday, with the tape being pulled on Monday after work.  It took the ENTIRE day, but I think it was well worth the meticulous taping and painting!

Have a wonderful week!  There will be more to come on the progress of this bedroom - including a dresser reinvention with some modge podge...a first time experience for me!

Happy Crafting!
Second Chances Design

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